My Journey.


“My Journey” is really not unlike anyone else in the history of humankind.  In fact, it’s similar to the phases of the Heroes’ Journey as depicted by Joseph Campbell that we all seem to go through in life, i.e., Separation, Initiation and Awakening.

And yet, my Journey has brought me here today where I am Blessed to be able to help individuals transform and live their best lives by sharing and teaching proven methods based on ancient moving meditations and breathing techniques known as Qigong (Chee Gung), where they tap into their human life force energy and the infinite power of unconditional Love thereby releasing unhealthy emotions, beliefs, states of being, and transform into desired states of consciousness and a better life.

So how did I get here you may wonder?

My journey has given me over 30 years experience as leadership development consultant and organizational and personal transformation instructor mentor, coach, program manager allowing me to teach, reach and touch the lives of thousands of managers, executives and students through proven leadership and personal transformation skills.  And for that I am most grateful and feel blessed.

Yet today, I discovered that our true Personal Transformation exists at a much deeper level involving one’s total Mind-Body-Spirit connection.

One’s Heroes’ Journey is not complete until we return Home to Our Original State of Unconditional Love and Wholeness.  I like to think of restoring our “factory settings” or returning to our “pristine showroom condition”. And now, with 7+ years as a Qigong practitioner and Spring Forest Qigong Trainer of Year for 2018, I am able to teach thousands around the world the infinite healing power of unconditional Love. 

My story is not unlike anyone else on the planet.  In fact, it’s pretty standard.   I grew up in a happy family with a loving Mother and Father and 8 wonderful brothers and sisters.  Progressing through the normal early childhood and adolescent stages I always wondered about who I was and why I was here.  But that’s when my innocence of wonder went dormant as I promptly fell into lockstep with the surroundings of my world.  I promptly learned “the rules of the road” of how to “succeed in life” by fitting in with everyone.  Essentially, “don’t make waves and you’ll be fine”.

So, after many years, including a formal education of a B.S. in Communications Systems Management and a M.S. in Management, and numerous Certifications, a productive marriage and rewarding career in corporate America, I realized that something wasn’t’ quite right.  I was not living life as my true self.  I was holding back. While mentally denying that fact, my body was gently letting me know that “we can’t take this anymore, so we’re going to start sending you some alarms” in the form of a somewhat serious health condition.   Funny, how are body listens to us, but how often do we listen to our body?  That led me to seeking medical treatment that temporally solved my health problem.   Years later, the symptoms returned and I realized my “health problem” was not just with my body. It was with my thinking, my emotions, and at a deeper level, my spirit and soul.  It’s said you need a wakeup call to wake up.  I definitely had mine.

I realized the solution to my true health of an integrated Mind-Body-Spirit, was rooted in something that I wasn’t taught as a child or it was considered fringe, i.e., that we are something much greater than what we have been led to believe. Instead of chasing material or positional wealth, I realized our true “Wealth is in our Health”. And that our power is infinite and comes from Source because, (Spoiler Alert!), we come from Source.

That’s when I sought non-traditional health solutions and discovered  what is called Qigong (Chee Gung).  I found it to be something that held an essential truth. I then pursued it extensively, resulting in being named the Spring forest Qigong Certified Trainer of the year for 2018.  That led me to seek out other Complementary Alternative Modalities, and study the teachings of many other ancients rishis, mystics, saints, buddhas, and enlightened ones.


My realization was that the ancient mystics were all saying the same thing, but in different languages, at different times, and in different ways. The essential truth is that everything is energy that comes from Source and by harnessing that energy, we have the power to create our own Heaven on Earth.  No surprise, that is also what today’s modern science is discovering.

That realization has led me to explore, practice and condense ancient wisdom into simple concepts and practices that bridge spirituality and science while creatively cultivating consciousness one individual at a time.  I like to think of it as fusing spirituality and science.

Specifically, I my purpose now is to inspire and teach individuals how to literally “breathe life back into their lives” by teaching proven breathwork exercises, moving meditations, such as Qigong, and mental focus exercises transforming their lives into happier, healthier and less stressful lives.

It’s been an amazing journey.

So, if any of this resonates with you and where you are on your own Heroes’ Journey, then I would love to be of assistance in any way I can.  As Ram Dass said,” We are all here to walk each other Home”.

Let me help you get back “Home!”

Bless You!

You are a Blessing!


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