I Coach.

Helping others, whether groups or individuals, one on one, is something that has always fulfilled me.  Especially, if I can be of assistance helping others discover their spiritual side as a way to live the life they were meant to live.

And we can all use a little assistance once in a while to get back on track or stay on track towards our Life Purpose.

Helping people to expand their world view of reality through the lens of their “heart” is important to me.  By giving individuals simple methods and hacks to see their world and their life differently, they discover that their world will actually look brighter and life will have less suffering, simply by reframing how they think, see, talk, and feel about their world.  When people shift their energy in all things, their world shifts! Especially, when it come from a place of Love.

Yet, my many years as a adjunct professor, workshop facilitator, mentoring program leader, and Leadership Development Coach working with thousands has taught me that true personal transformation and change is an inside job. 

People have to want to change.  But as the old saying goes, “The Teacher will appear, when the Student is ready.”    

I’m ready.  Are you?